I am the obligation of creation, as such undistinguished. All creatures must bare witness to cause, my undefined pretense imposed to effect. Trust the way of things enough to know that this must be.
Ставь новые! Аватарки как кожа, слезают - надо новые наращивать)
I am the obligation of creation, as such undistinguished. All creatures must bare witness to cause, my undefined pretense imposed to effect. Trust the way of things enough to know that this must be.
I am the obligation of creation, as such undistinguished. All creatures must bare witness to cause, my undefined pretense imposed to effect. Trust the way of things enough to know that this must be.
I am the obligation of creation, as such undistinguished. All creatures must bare witness to cause, my undefined pretense imposed to effect. Trust the way of things enough to know that this must be.
Кто ж бы у меня в хате прибрался, о великая богиня.... Хотя у меня вторая такая богиня сидит. Где вас только беруг, богинек то?))))
I am the obligation of creation, as such undistinguished. All creatures must bare witness to cause, my undefined pretense imposed to effect. Trust the way of things enough to know that this must be.
кто б машу обесценил, у нее руки из золота отлиты)
с просьбами обращаться в мартябре...
Хотя у меня вторая такая богиня сидит.
Где вас только беруг, богинек то?))))
выпуск богинь временно приостановлен дабы не обесценить уже созданных)))